Made Sufficient

On this Sunday, we gathered together to honor Jesus and grow together in faith. The hustle of the set up team and joy they had really set the tone for the day. There was an eagerness to get things together to welcome the rest of the congregation and worship God together. As service approached we had lots of noise in the lobby, with laughter and encouragement resounding as we made our way to the room for service.

Echo started to play as we sang in agreement of what Jesus has afforded us in authority as believers. As the song ended, Arcelia came up, proclaiming the goodness of our God. After some prayer, you could hear the hellos and see the smiles as people greeted each other. We love how we stay connected at this church.

After some announcements, Arcelia shared in a powerful testimony about giving towards God, not just financially, but our wants and desires as well. The congregation was both encouraged and inspired to give all we can to God. Our trust in Him is very much needed, and He is faithful to honor His Word of taking care of us when we first seek His Kingdom.

Pastor Ryan returned from a sabbatical to preach Made Sufficient (listen here). Here are some highlights from the sermon…

By the power of Christ, through His Spirit, we are made sufficient to be ministers of the Gospel. Made sufficient because of the work of Christ on the cross and the cleansing and sanctification of His Spirit.

The primary purpose of anointing with the holy anointing oil was to sanctify, to set the anointed person or object apart. So anointing simply means to set apart for service to God. This is what happens when we come to Christ. We receive the Holy Spirit and immediately we are anointed, set apart for God.

When we spend time in God’s presence, we are being brought from glory to glory, more into the image of Christ, and this produces a fragrance on us.

God, led by His Son Jesus, and the working of His Spirit, wants to scrape away what’s dead in your life, to cover you with an anointing, and to make you a fragrance of Jesus Himself to God and others

.After the sermon, we had someone accept Christ as their Savior, which is always a great blessing and joy when we gather together. Worship followed, with people on their knees and hands raised in the honor of our King. As the music came to an end, Santiago ministered and prayed over the people, challenging everyone to give over the control we keep from God, surrendering our heart to Him in all matters of life. All in all, God was glorified, Jesus was lifted high, and the Spirit moved in people’s lives.


Adoration of Jesus