Adoration of Jesus
Sunday started off with a great, dedicated team of wonderful volunteers getting things all set up for service. A big thank you to those who get up early to make it all come together! After getting everything set up, the coffee brewed, and signs placed, all the volunteers gathered for a time of prayer and testimony. It was wonderful hearing from a few people on the amazing things God did in their life this past week.
As the music began to ring in, hearts focused in on the presence and glory of God. We shouted with exclamation “Did you feel the mountains tremble?” As the song faded, Noel welcomed everyone and people greeted many of those they hadn’t seen for a week. As Pastor Ryan came up to preach, he first remarked about the Bible Study this coming Wednesday. As we continue to study in Revelation, we come to the exciting part of the return of our King Jesus.
The sermon was titled, “What Jesus Really Meant by Follow Me” and Pastor Ryan broke down the account of Peter’s restoration in John 21. You can listen to the full sermon here. The focus on the restoration of Peter centered around his love and adoration for Jesus, and how we as believers don’t need everything going perfect in our life to serve God, we just need a love and adoration for Jesus. Here are some quotes from the sermon:
Our love for Jesus is the qualifying condition to minister the gospel. Peter provides us a comforting example that it is not based on other qualifications or your aptitude or certain gifts.
But God is so much more loving in all of it because even as sufficient as the cross is, Jesus still met with Peter to restore him. He cared about his human emotions and his mind that would tell him otherwise, as well as the other disciples around him that would have possibly also been betrayed by Peters denial.
After the sermon, we entered into a beautiful time of glorifying, honoring, and loving Jesus. You could sense the love and adoration for God as we sang out praises and thankfulness to Him. Communion followed worship as we took time to honor what Jesus did for us at the cross. Prayers and ministering to each other followed and concluded the service as we all stayed to spend time together, fellowshipping and sharing stories of the past week.
Get the 5 day devotional that goes along with what we studied this past Sunday. Download Here
John 21
John 21:15-19
Ephesians 3:14-19